Friday, July 25, 2014

This. Is. Reality.

Really, now,
You want Reality?
Take it.

A six year old gangraped.
A father and son shot dead.
A mother's womb slit, spilt open.
A teen with eighteen bones broken.
An old man's head sent flying.
A soldier on field left dying.

Are you kidding me?
You still want Reality?

A plane full of people shot, sunk.
A mass murder with a mad gun.
A child killed to make a human bomb.
A daughter beheaded for marrying wrong.
A massacre followed by a public celebration.
Using religion, tradition, justice for desolation.

Are you fuckin' kidding me?
You still want Reality?
Here, take it.
This Is Reality.

You Become

There was nothing.
Then came light.
It illuminated, but,
It also discriminated.
All that was dark was doomed.

There was nothing.
Then came life.
It prospered, but,
It also destroyed.
All that was unique was lost.

If you have never wished
that we were a little different,
Think of yourself as a waste,
In the name of all that's Human.
For by thinking, you become.

Meeting - an attempt at Haiku

A rolling raindrop
and ax blade on the bark meet
At cross roads head long.

Colours I Like(d)

The colors I wished to touch
I finally did on a still wild parrot
Beneath the electric pole
That woke up now and then
In angry alien blabber.

I don't know if I like
Those colors any more.


If feelings could be heard,
I would hear a thousand bells
Chiming in autumn wind
Every time you breathe
Too close to my neck.

Of Dreams and Wishes

It will soon be morning
Amma walks the backyard
Collecting flowers
The best for the Goddess
Who does nothing but sit
At her ivory throne
Sweets and diyas around
Her face with a pasted smile
I have so wished to wipe out.

Appa's snore shake the walls
I imagine his mustache
Shivering under the onslaught
Before he's off to the stores
He would want his breakfast
With Annan on his right side
Telling Appa all about school
And his stagnant progress
While Appa nods and laughs.

And after they would leave
I will then open my books
Where wonders of world hide...
Till then, I make breakfast.

Celebrate in Vengeance

Below an unsatisfied stomach,
Between tired legs,
I hold your future.
That which you conceal
and exploit as pleasure
That which you call
a Woman's Bane,
I claim it back.
I celebrate - not in victory,
But in vengeance.

Feelings Change

In your anger
you opened your heart.
I saw the picture
you painted of me.
What baseness!
Only recognizable point
is the fullness
of my lips that look
freshly invaded.

Some things never
change, though feelings do.

Feelings change.
Every lub-dub that
disturbs the surface
Shrieks at me - you liar!
You two-faced bitch,
Begone! Even Eros dare not
let you be loved again.

A tear or two wash down
the wounds fresh on flesh
Surfacing charred waste
of what you once cherished in me.

At my Love's Expense

The silvers of your hair
Testify your golden days
At my love's expense.
Neatly parted in lines,
Along the same paths
Where fingers once rode.
Your lauded wisdom,
Your crown of experience,
Flattened to perfection.
Sometimes wind disturbs
The crafted monotony
To take you back.
Willing, unwillingly,
You live your golden days
At my love's expense.

Till Then

Ages later, in your rasping voice
Meanings will reside
Only for you and for me
Till then, let this world
Call us senseless and abhorrent.

Collecting Souvenirs

In this artery
Of your thoughts
I have claimed
Haves and Nots.
Beat down d'pulse
That betrays us.
Walk my plains
In exodus.
Reach a knot
High and hot.
In the deepest
Crevices, revive
Your last hopes.
In there lies
Riches of beyond.
You'll learn someday
We're always there,
Collecting souvenirs
Life after life.

Let Me Help You

Let me tie your hands
Gag your mouth
Let me rake your heart
As deep as your love
Let me tear it open
And squeeze it out
Let me pull harder
Dig deep within
Let me look into your eyes
And say it out loud

This, what you save
Is not love, no more
It's your adjustment
With biting loneliness
And in your audacity
I am just an instrument.