Thursday, August 2, 2012

Till Resolution

Every morning before I realize, I get worldly wise
I find myself walking to the side of the bountiful spring
Fetched from dreams too recent - audience to memories.
Each day etched like scars deep - so real, yet out of my reach
Closed eyes – your voice ringing clear in my ears,
Froze – your face held close, could feel those tears.

Basked in the hue of the golden sun,
Ethereal – you hold your arms out open,
I walked into them, so-called unending covenant
Of an embrace filled in the eternity of a moment.

Period. Before the rude awakening – can’t be erased
By the stream my eyes blurred, salt – I taste
In the bitter moments – fruit of my hamartia.
Drawing patterns on wet sand with my forefinger
I wait for the moment to pass, to the resolution of my tragedy.
I stand up, take a deep breath, wipe my tears with muddy hands
And smile at your name hidden in the patterns I drew in the sand.