And still he waits, oblivious,
She is no more the pious
From here I see the dagger
Pierce him again and again, bigger
The hole that pours out his soul,
But no one is there to hold it whole.
And he still dreams, denying,
The betrayal not convincing him
There was never loyalty. His tears
Flow unchecked, acknowledging fears
Foretold. Hands that reach to soothe
Feel meaningless, not enough to swoon
Him away from reality, he waits
Bearing all the pain alone, he says
“She will come someday, I know”
And he picks up the dagger, slow,
He pierces his heart again now tears
Too do not show any naked fear.
TOOOOO GOOOOOOD Betsy!!!! i just LOVE the way you portray emotions through the precise words! =)