Wednesday, November 2, 2011


In a sweating hillside villa
Hot and humid entourage
Peeping into the folds of the river
Fed by every evening shower
I am trapped, I am trapped.
Willing submission, not the rapt.

Stuck in a bricked room,
Windows so heavily clouded.
Lost my roots, lost my shoot,
Holding on to ward off the haunted.
I am trapped, I am trapped.
Anxious anticipation, ripped into half.

It’s killing, agonizingly slow
The river would not flow.
Jamming into a tiny orifice
Made tinier by them, I miss.
I am trapped, I am trapped.
Sluggish slumber, not vigilant act.

Forced companies, fake freedoms,
Treacherous talks and idle gossips
Weaving around lamer topics.
Should I laugh, cry or just nod?
I am trapped, I am trapped.
Second-hand speech, carefully matched.

Neither here, nor there, nowhere.
My mind hangs in between conversations.
Neither interest, nor relevance to anything sane
And they expect a courteous, eligible dame.
I am trapped, I am trapped.
Painfully poised, waiting a lapse.

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